Who are GrindJob?

GrindJob is a job search website and not a job board. This means our users are provided with the most current job vacancies advertised across the United Kingdom. In fact, we only list the most current vacancies - so you can be sure that you’re getting the most up to date jobs out there.

Not just another Job Search website...

We’re a job search aggregator, which means we’re essentially a giant search engine for UK jobs. This makes your jobs search much more simple.

Instead of having to sign up to dozens of different job boards and be overwhelmed with hundreds of emails, GrindJob allows you to view a much wider range of online vacancies in one place.

So for example, if you wanted to search for a graduate role, you may be interested to discover that we’ve many more vacancies than the leading, established graduate-focused sites.





What kind of jobs can I find?

We have jobs in both public and private sectors and employers range from leading global brands to smaller businesses. No matter where you live in the UK you’ll be able to find 1000s of jobs in your area. The more specific you are in your search, the more focused your results will be.

Whether you want a sales role in Salford or an engineering position in Exeter, we’ve got you covered.


Why GrindJob’s Unique

Our powerful job search site is supported by our unique, powerful algorithm that ensures 10,000s of verified, authenticated UK jobs are added to our site. Anything that doesn’t meet this criteria is filtered out.

We currently have over 400,000 active users on our site and this figure is constantly growing. Our aim is to help jobseekers get back to work or people who are already in work find their ideal job.

Our job alerts service is unrivalled in the industry. It only takes a few moments to sign up and you’ll receive all the latest jobs from our databases based on your chosen criteria.  



We have 100,000+ new jobs every single week, covering every job sector. In other words, there's something for everyone. So whether you are getting back into work or looking for a career change, start your search here with GrindJob.

GrindJob is 100% free to use for all job seekers and always will be.

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